Saturday, November 9, 2013

Internet Evangelism

I have in my past have worked as a producer and director of a live cable type show and your foot print was very important. The cable company might have 20,000 viewers that might or might not watch your production.   On the other hand you could have with that cable company 100's of channels.  With advertising you draw percentages from the other channels

My desire is evangelism of the internet, I FEEL through groups that can be done.
Our focus has been to get "Christians" to actually get into the word, and to reach the un-Churched

Were coming into a time that the kingdom of darkness is going to be so much in your face that with out the basic foundations of Christianity many will fall away.  Jesus recognized the devil by the words spoken from his mouth amen

In the click and pick arena of the internet OUR message SEEMS to ME to have to be:
1. time focused and do able
2. to the point
3. short clips
4. reminders
5. captive
6. entertaining

I tried different versions of the bible
different types of Christian music.
focused at different groups.
!! I am thankful for what I discovered !!
The children are the ones that are the most hungry for the Word

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Dear bible n year friends

It gives me great pleasure, to introduce a new feature, a simple link that allows you to switch from the King James Version to the easy to read Message Bible.   We pray that this enhances your experience

Saturday, August 3, 2013

7 PM Live Interactive Prayer 08/03/2013

This a live prayer service to
 a webcam will 
your experiences

PS if the page doesn't open correctly you can log in on the server side of the show at

Good morning

               Good morning off to the store
        to check prices on cookies to give away

Good night

Lord Jesus walk through my house, keep my family and friends close, bless those that we meet on the street let your light shine through us and bless each step we take I ask in your mighty name amen.  Good night friends

Friday, August 2, 2013

The world is your pulpit

Our Ministry is posting in 50 groups and pages that equals up to 72,704 people at anytime ranging from Christian groups to transgender and gay, from governments to social groups averaging 500 likes in a days time........... we need your prayers for a covering,  but were asking you to become part of this ministry and send us out in area's God might be leading you to.. . .  add us to more groups

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Ezekiel 37:9 Then said he unto me, Prophesy unto the wind, prophesy, son of man, and say to the wind, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe upon these slain, that they may live.

Friday, February 22, 2013

it's all about JESUS

I woke my hand was asleep I had been laying on it from a dream, I was a construction worker hired on to a huge project. but quickly I realized I was no longer useful in this field. (remind you I for over 20 yrs. have built everything form docks homes over 300 a year high-rises and bridges, working as a carpenter to project manager I feel I was very good)
I began to survey wither I was being effective in our ministry, I felt I was. but one thing I was put in check about is it, my ministry or Gods? From the time of being in school I was known as the lion from the wizard of oz because I resembled him, now I wear this well as a mature lion of courage. "I feel"
As the sleep drained from my head I sat up my dog nudging me for affection, my wife too, has been wanting affection. Is the cost of heading this ministry worth the strain on my family. Than the realization came to me
Its not my ministry at all but Jesus' I’m just the P.R guy (smile) Public relations . And as long as I keep Christ focus than yes I am doing well, amen…….. My prayer is that I will incorporate more of my family into this ministry since I am the high priest to them