Saturday, August 3, 2013

7 PM Live Interactive Prayer 08/03/2013

This a live prayer service to
 a webcam will 
your experiences

PS if the page doesn't open correctly you can log in on the server side of the show at

Good morning

               Good morning off to the store
        to check prices on cookies to give away

Good night

Lord Jesus walk through my house, keep my family and friends close, bless those that we meet on the street let your light shine through us and bless each step we take I ask in your mighty name amen.  Good night friends

Friday, August 2, 2013

The world is your pulpit

Our Ministry is posting in 50 groups and pages that equals up to 72,704 people at anytime ranging from Christian groups to transgender and gay, from governments to social groups averaging 500 likes in a days time........... we need your prayers for a covering,  but were asking you to become part of this ministry and send us out in area's God might be leading you to.. . .  add us to more groups