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- How I can’t imagine a day without you in my life
- How you would move across the country just to be with me
- The way that my dreams are your dreams too
- How we can stay up all night just to talk
- How I thank god every day for letting you come into my life
- The way you inspire me to chase my dreams
- How you ask me for advice and actually take it
- Your just simply amazing
- I could kiss your lips all day long
- When you smile the whole world stops and stares for a while
- Your amazing just the way you are
- Two is better than one
- The way you sing to me
- The way you show your love for me
- The way you appreciate me
- The way you can make me feel like royalty
- How you make everything like a fairytale
- For everything you do and who you are
- How you always give me your honest opinion
- How you say whether something looks good on me or not
- How we are better together
- When I see you face there is not a thing that I would change
- You make me love you
- How understanding you are
- How you your presence makes everything better
- The way that everything I do makes me think of you
- How the stars shine a little brighter when you around
- How even when you correct me I know you love me
- Your anointing
- The gift of tongues
- How you lift me out of miry clay
- How your heart is my real home
- You change my heart
- The way you make my heart break out into song
- The feel that I have when I see my children worshiping you
- The way you have spoken it and was
- How you love all of my flaws
- How it feels when I rest in you
- The way I sleep after being in your presence
- How I never really knew love until you showed me yours
- How good you are
- You make me feel like I have never felt before
- The way you open my heart
- You always say what I need to hear
- You tell me the truth
- And you’re always honest even if it hurts
- You would do anything to stop me from getting hurt
- How when I cry it gives you the worst feeling in the world
- How I have had the time of my life and I owe it all to you
- The way you mean everything to me
- How I can look into your eyes and see your heart
- Being with you makes me feel like I can defy the whole world
- Your little memory box
- How you keep little mementos of everything we have done
- Your intelligence, because you were smart enough to fall in love with me
- How you never rush into anything
- How every time I think of you it take my breath away
- While my sin held the nail to your hand you still loved me
- The way you rush in to save the day
- The way you will never ever give up on me
- The fact that I will love you for eternity just boggles my mind
- The you make being a Christian never boring
- The way you fight for me
- Even when I am grumpy you still love me
- If we are together we can do anything
- You made a way when there was none
- The way you make me feel
- The way you make me feel safe
- How you never want to stop showing me your love
- The way you make me feel happy
- The way your quick to forgive
- Our inseparable bond
- The way you challenge me
- Your love for creations
- How you heal others through me
- The way you see me
- The way you say I love you
- How thoughtful you are
- Because you have a divine plan for my life
- The thought of you makes me smile
- You make me happy every second of every day
- How you can make me happy without even doing anything
- The happiness I feel when I look at what you have done
- The way I feel after being in your presence
- That you have my name written in your book
- The way you heal my hurt
- There is no power that can snatch me out of your hand
- How the littlest things I do make you happy
- The way you see my future yet appreciate the present
- The way you make me feel
- The way you helped me get through the day
- The way you complete my life
- How you are always on my mind
- The way you say my name
- How all creation sing your glorious name
- How complete I feel with you
- One day away from you feels like an eternity
- You renew my strength
- The way you make me realize my full potential
- The way you inspire me
- The way you make the wind touch my face
- You always give me something to look forward to
- The way we make a great team
- How sometimes you catch me up into the clouds
- That one day you will be my husband
- Each day I learn something new about you
- how each day you search my heart
- How each day you give me one more reason to love you
- That you want to give me a glorified body
- That you prepare a place for me
- The way you show your affection for me with supernatural favor
- The way you will make amazing father
- The way that you are my biggest fan
- The way you give me messages
- How everyone can see how much you love me
- Your confidence
- How you always know what's best
- The way your voice can sounds like thunder but a lover to me
- The way you always want to hear from me
- How you make me feel like you are right there with me
- How much you trust me
- The way you seek after me
- You tell me if you don’t like something about me
- The way you make our relationship so easy
- How you have created a person just for me
- How you’ve given me the statue of royalty when I didn’t deserve it
- How you open doors for me
- How you have given me the keys to the Kingdom of heaven
- For your everlasting love
- How you place a crown on my head
- That you would want to spend a eternity with me
- How your words bring life
- Your touch heals
- Just being with you
- How you would pick me to be a ambassador for you
- That you never sleep and are always mindful of me
- Thank you for the Holy Ghost
- That your words are timeless
- That you see me doing great things
- When you surprise me with blessings
- How respectful you are
- You give me a map to your personality
- How you would do it all over again just for me
- How you tell me I’m your beloved
- How you can always reassure me
- How we can talk without even saying a word
- How you always make away when there seems none
- The way you give me hope
- How you still call me yours
- How you turn bad to good
- For the miracle you have done in my heart
- That your not done with me yet
- How you visit me in my dreams
- That you prepare a table for me
- How you don’t get nervous
- How joy come in the morning
- How you make me feel special
- How you sat with me while I cried\
- The way you went to the cross for me
- For taking a interest in me
- For remembering me
- For stopping the attacks of the enemy
- For going before me
- For always listening to me
- For going through the valley with me
- For creating rainbows as a sign of your promise
- For singing over me
- For carrying me when I couldn’t walk
- For giving me clear defined boundaries
- For always being interested in everything that I do
- The way we share each and every day together
- The way you would rather be with me than anywhere else in the galaxy
- The way your yoke is easy
- For showing me your salvation
- For paying a price I couldn’t afford
- The way you call me your own
- The way you rescue me from darkness
- That you know my name
- The way you have given me a new name
- The way you remind me who I am
- For being with me every single day
- For making me more than a conquer
- For walking into my life when I least expected it
- For picking me up
- The way you say I love you by going to the cross
- How you always know what I am going to say
- How you always know what I am thinking
- How you always know that something is bothering me
- How you give conformation of your word
- How your ways are so much higher and better than mine
- How you created me in your image
- How you never throw in the towel on me
- How you still have good friends from when you were little
- How cute you were when you were little
- How much you have taught me about life
- How much you have taught me about myself
- The way you showed me how to love
- How you showed me that there are genuine
- You showed me how to have fun
- You let me be a kid again
- How you never say anything bad about me
- The way you are by my side
- The feeling of security
- You give me hope for the future
- You give me strength for when I am weak
- You always make time for me
- You tell me storys with deep meanings
- The way you will never hurt me
- The way you see the best in everyone
- The way you taught how to be loved
- I could tell you anything and you wouldn’t think less of me
- How patient you are
- How you are the first person I want to see speak to when I wake up
- How you are the last person I want speak to before I go to sleep
- The way I dream of the thing of you
- The way you stepped down from your thrown to romance me
- How you picked me up and placed my feet on solid ground
- That you let me see through your eyes
- The fact that when I fall you always catch me
- The way you wait till I am ready
- The way you respect my decisions
- The way you put my feelings first
- The you make everything I touch prospers
- How you show me that you’re the God that I need
- The way you help me out with chores
- How you always do anything I ask of you
- How much you love the church
- How you give me favor
- How strong the emotion I feel when I pray in my prayer tongue
- Way you meet my every need
- Every star in the sky you placed there just for me
- How we can talk for hours upon hours and never get tired
- How secure I feel
- How you never say goodbye
- The way you miss me when I don’t pray
- How you tell me you miss me
- Your endless forgiveness
- How easy you are to talk to
- How you will never give up on me
- Because you are simply irresistible
- Because you bring out the best in me
- Your sense of humor after all you created me
- The way you blossom flowers just for me
- That you think of me as a treasure
- Your passion
- The way mountains tremble
- The way you clothe me in righteousness
- The feeling you give me inside
- The sound of your voice
- How you know my every need before I even ask
- The way you behold my face
- How much you love children
- The way your so quick to forgive
- Your honesty
- How I know that you’ll never cheat on me
- The way I know I am suppose to be with you forever
- The way you care about me
- The compliments you give me
- That you entertain me with angels
- The way you light the world
- The way you use others to talk to me
- How you promised to never let me go
- How you search for me
- How protective you are
- How I know that you are always going to be there for me
- You are my best friend
- You are the lover of my soul
- How you formed me in the womb
- How sweet you are
- How caring you are
- How faithful you are
- How you never will or could lie
- Your presence
- How I act like an idiot and you still love me
- The way you love everything I do for you
- The way you are helping
- The way you give me Joy
- Your outlook on life
- Your morals
- Your goals for my life
- Your achievements
- How you actually like being a servant
- How you move mountains when I need you
- How you always want to be with me
- Your faithfulness
- Your grace
- Your mercy
- Everything about you
- How jealous you are
- The fact that you always hear my prayers
- The way you give me the victory
- The fact that I spend a eternity with you
- You fill that God shaped void in me
- How you are strong when I am weak
- How you love all of my imperfections
- Yet you still think I am perfect
- The way you tell me you love me
- How I instantly feel better when I hear your voice
- Because you love me with your whole heart
- How you use me to do awesome things
- The way you talk about me to the angels and the father
- The way I can’t picture my life without you
- How you chose me to be your bride
- The fact that you took the time to already plan our future
- How you let me grow by my mistakes but never leave me there
- How you give me free will
- That you loved me first
- How you hold every tear I ever shed
- How you are always there for me
- The way you are so understanding
- The way you care more about me then you care about yourself
- How you allow me a place in your ministry
- How you make my head tingle
- You make me smile even if I am crying
- How you understand me
- How I can tell you anything and everything
- The way you can keep a secret
- How comfortable you make me feel
- How the whole world stops and you listen to me
- How you understand my problems
- The way you fix my problems
- The way you make me want to be a better person
- The way you know me better than I know myself
- How loving you comes so naturally
- How you’re my all n all
- How give me songs
- How I can lose my life and gain everything
- How you wait for me to catch up
- The way you smile
- The way you look at me
- How you tell me I am beautiful no matter what
- Your eyes are on me always
- The way you make my heart melt
- How you still give me butterflies
- How my hand fits perfectly in yours
- How beautiful you are
- How you wrote your words in this bible for me
- How much you show me you care
- The fact that you live in me
- You allow promise never to leave me
- You encourage me
- You the one with out sin took my sins
- You make me feel special
- You make me feel confident I can do all things
- You make me Holy
- You place angels around me
- You give me testimonies
- How you comfort me
- You forgave me of my sin’s
- How you actually like spending time with me
- The way you give me the desires of my heart
- The way you touch my heart
- The way you know the hairs on my head
- They way you make me feel
- How sometimes you give me uncontrollable laughter
- How you teach me
- How you never argue with me
- The way you care for the smallest animals
- The way you light up my life
- You give me the sun to remind me of your everlasting love
- How you allow me to be individual making me unique
- How you lift me up\
- how your words impregnates me
- when I need support your answer is always yes and amen
- that you have given me a spirit that I can soar with