Life Guard – What Kind of an Armor Bearer Are You?
Provoking One Another to Great Exploits
Men’s Retreat 2007
I. Introductory Remarks.
I want to share a concept with you that should revolutionize the way you think
about ministry and God fulfilling His call and destiny in your lives. It’s an attitude
that must be in place in our lives if we are to properly motivate one another to
great exploits in Jesus.
We are living in an age that will demand more and more of us as Christians. If
Christianity is to become more of a force to be reckoned with, it will demand that
we as Christians are more involved in great exploits for our King. We need to be
men who provoke one another to great exploits in God.
Daniel 11:32
corrupt with flattery; but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry
out great exploits.
(NKJV) "Those who do wickedly against the covenant he shallGod’s desire is for all of us to be people who know our God and thus doing great
exploits for Him. The focus of this message is about encouraging others and
esteeming others as more important than yourself. It’s about being an armorbearer.
It about perceiving the grace and anointing in others so that you can
properly encourage them to great exploits in God.
Message Title: What Kind of an Armor Bearer Are You?
Definition of an Armor-bearer:
because of his bravery, not only to bear their armor, but also to stand by them in
the time of danger.
An officer selected by kings and generals— Easton's Illustrated DictionaryII. Illustration: The Story of Jonathan and Armor bearer – 1 Samuel 14
This is a powerful story of someone who knew his God and what God was
capable of and how Jonathan’s armor-bearer encouraged him to take a risk of
faith that brought forth a great exploit and victory for the nation of Israel. This
passage of scripture truly shows how we must work together to do great exploits
for Jesus.
Background of Story:
because the Philistines are operating from a stronghold and terrorizing the
Saul and his army are reduced to about 600 menLife Guard – What Kind of an Armor-Bearer Are You? Ken Birks, Pastor/Teacher
Provoking One Another to Great Exploits Page 2
Israelites to the degree that most of the army has deserted and is hiding in
caves, thickets, rocks, holes and pits. Of the 600 men only Saul and Jonathan
have weapons, because the Philistines took away all their blacksmiths.
Similar to where Christianity is today:
before the enemy with our entire spiritual arsenal stripped from us because we
have compromised ourselves before our enemies of the faith.
What is needed today are new heroes of the faith who are willing to do great
exploits by taking great risks in faith to insure the victories that are needed.
Much of Christianity today is cowering1 Samuel 14:1-2
the young man who bore his armor,
garrison that is on the other side." But he did not tell his father.
was sitting in the outskirts of Gibeah under a pomegranate tree which is in
Migron. The people who were with him were about six hundred men.
Now it happened one day that Jonathan the son of Saul said to"Come, let us go over to the Philistines'2And Saul•
laughed at him and destroyed his faith.
Why didn’t Jonathan tell his father? His father probably would have•
visions, goals and calling with without being ridiculed.
He goes to his armor-bearer and begins to share his plan.
We need to know who the people are in our lives that we can share ourJonathan knew.•
Do you know who your trusted armor-bearers are?1 Samuel 14:6
Then Jonathan said to the young man who bore his armor,"Come, let us go over to the garrison of these uncircumcised; it may be
that the LORD will work for us. For nothing restrains the LORD from saving
by many or by few."
God was able to do.
Many of us are afraid to step out in faith unless we have a sure word from the
Lord. At this point in the story, Jonathan did not have a sure word. All he had
was what he knew God was able to do.
Later on in the story He had a faith that was invincible, because as he began to
move forward in what He knew God was able to do, his faith was personalized
Jonathan’s confession of faith – He stepped out in faith in what He knewLife Guard – What Kind of an Armor-Bearer Are You? Ken Birks, Pastor/Teacher
Provoking One Another to Great Exploits Page 3
and is confession turned from one of
LORD has delivered them into the hand of Israel."
“it might be” to "Come up after me, for theThe righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith – Romans 10:17.
The Armor-bearer’s response.1 Samuel 14:7
then; here I am with you, according to your heart."
"Very well, let us cross over to these men, and we will show ourselves to them.
So his armorbearer said to him, "Do all that is in your heart. Go8Then Jonathan said,9
place and not go up to them.
"If they say thus to us, 'Wait until we come to you,' then we will stand still in our•
in his life
His armor bearer said,
nation of Israel reaped a great blessing and victory because the armor-bearer
encouraged Jonathan in this process.
This was to be one of Jonathan’s greatest and most successful exploits.“Do all that is in your heart, I am with you.” The whole•
attacking from every side.
Saul and his army were literally stuck in discouragement with the enemy•
and his armor-bearer.
Now the balance of war is about to change because of the exploits of one man•
Lord works with him to win a great battle in which the enemies of Israel are in
such a state of confusion, that they begin to kill one another.
As the story goes on, Jonathan becomes invincible in his faith and the1 Samuel 14:12b
the L
Jonathan said to his armor bearer, “Come up after me, forORD has delivered them in the hand of Israel.•
been scattered and were in hiding.
Saul and all the people eventually join him in the battle with all those who had1 Samuel 14:22-23
mountains of Ephraim, when they heard that the Philistines fled, they also
followed hard after them in the battle.
the battle shifted to Beth Aven.
Likewise all the men of Israel who had hidden in the23So the LORD saved Israel that day, andLife Guard – What Kind of an Armor-Bearer Are You? Ken Birks, Pastor/Teacher
Provoking One Another to Great Exploits Page 4
The point I want to focus on here is, how important the armor-bearer was to
Jonathan and his great exploit and victory that ensued.
then; here I am with you, according to your heart."
He encouraged Jonathan greatly by saying "Do all that is in your heart. Go•
Jonathan did.
He stood with him in the battle and risked his life in the same way that•
battle, I don’t believe Jonathan would have had the courage to go it alone.
Without his encouragement and willingness to stand with Jonathan in theIII. What Does It Take to Be a Good Armor-Bearer?
We find some of these attitudes later on in the life of Jonathan in his friendship to
David. Even though Jonathan had has his great moments in battle, he was
perceiving the grace of God in David and that God had truly called David. He
must decrease while David increases.
In the same way that his armor-bearer laid his life down for him, he must now do
the same for David. Jonathan and David were both kingdom men. They saw
beyond the natural circumstances and into the kingdom perspective.
1. We Must See Our Lives Through A Kingdom Perspective
.1 Samuel 20:4
do it for you."
So Jonathan said to David, "Whatever you yourself desire, I will•
most or do you see your life through an eternal perspective?
Are you seeing your life through the here and now and what benefits you the2. We Must Be Willing To Lay Our Lives Down For The Benefit of Others
and the Kingdom.
Jonathan sacrificed his position for the throne in light of the grace he
perceived in David
to David and knew in his heart David was the man – not him.
fully supported David and helped David to become the great man of God that he
. I believe he took an inventory of his life in comparisonAs a result heLife Guard – What Kind of an Armor-Bearer Are You? Ken Birks, Pastor/Teacher
Provoking One Another to Great Exploits Page 5
1 Samuel 20:30-31
said to him, "You son of a perverse, rebellious woman! Do I not know that you
have chosen the son of Jesse to your own shame and to the shame of your
mother's nakedness?
you shall not be established, nor your kingdom
bring him to me, for he shall surely die."
Then Saul's anger was aroused against Jonathan, and he31"For as long as the son of Jesse lives on the earth,. Now therefore, send andJonathan’s willingness to help David escape his father shows that he was willing
to lay down his own dreams and aspirations to see David succeed. He was
willingly giving up his position as the future king of Israel because he perceived
the grace and anointing was on David.
You will never be able to properly encourage and provoke others to great exploits
until you are truly willing to lose your life.
Luke 17:33
will preserve it.
"Whoever seeks to save his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life1 John 3:16 – Lay our lives down for one another. We must learn how to throw
the lifeline to others no matter what the cost to our own lives maybe.
How many of us are willing to lay down our own dreams and aspirations to see
others succeed in our stead when we perceive there is a grace and an anointing
that may be greater than our own?
Personal testimony of resigning as Sr. Pastor
moved in.
My wife and I pastored in the Bonita Building for 12 years before the Rock•
the church forward from a state of decline.
Took an inventory of my life and grace – did not feel I had the grace to move•
kingdom difference in our community.
Our prayer was that the building could be sold to someone who could make a•
I was led to Pastor Francis, knowing he wanted to start a church in Roseville.•
knew he was a man of vision and excellence.
I had been to his evangelism seminars and gifts of the spirit seminars and•
Became an armor-bearer to Pastor Francis.•
hard because we were just being obedient to God’s will and to the integrity of
the man God had called us to serve.
People always said to us, “Wasn’t that hard to do? Honestly it wasn’t thatLife Guard – What Kind of an Armor-Bearer Are You? Ken Birks, Pastor/Teacher
Provoking One Another to Great Exploits Page 6
delivering newspapers while we were figuring out what to do next.
How did this attitude come about? Was it something that was just developed
over night? No! There were previous trials and responses that led to this being
worked out in our lives.
We went from being senior pastors to becoming the church janitors and•
Example of former pastor rejecting me and continuing to serve as his armor3. We Must Develop An Attitude Of Honoring And Preferring One Another.
This really is the attitude adjustment that needs to take place in all of our lives if
we are to successfully encourage one another to great exploits.
Romans 12:10
honor giving preference to one another;
Philippians 2:3-4
lowliness of mind
look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.
Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, inLet nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but inlet each esteem others better than himself. 4Let each of youThis is really the primary attitude and concept that allows us to become all that
God has ordained for our lives and that properly motivates us to encourage
others to great exploits in Jesus.
Selfish ambition and conceit will only produce wood, hay and stubble in your
lives. You may have some exploits, but they won’t be the exploits that are born
out of the heart of God.
God wants to lead you into exploits that produce gold, silver and precious stones.
It really takes having an attitude of preferring others as more important than
yourself to produce the qualities that true armor bearers have.
must decrease.”
John the Baptist understood this when he said, “Jesus must increase and heJohn 3:30
and less.
(NLT) He must become greater and greater, and I must become less•
We have to guard our hearts from jealousies and selfish ambitions.Life Guard – What Kind of an Armor-Bearer Are You? Ken Birks, Pastor/Teacher
Provoking One Another to Great Exploits Page 7
4. We Must Recognize The Season We Are In And Build Our Lives Within
The Balance.
Jonathan recognized both seasons he was in. He knew when it was time to step
out in faith to perform great exploits and he also recognized the season of being
a great encourager to David. Kingdom people have a sense of where they are at
and what they have been commissioned to do and build accordingly. Do you?
Joel 2 gives us a vivid picture of the church functioning perfectly – Everyone
knew their place and position. This is what is going to make the church in the
last days become the beautiful and glorious church going forth doing the great
exploits that it has been purposed for.
Joel 2:7-8,11
Every one marches in formation, And they do not break ranks.
one another; every one marches in his own column. Though they lunge between
the weapons, they are not cut down.
For His camp is very great; for strong is the One who executes His word.
They run like mighty men, They climb the wall like men of war;8They do not push11The LORD gives voice before His army,Ephesians 4:16
every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does
its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love
At The Rock there are so many areas we can serve as armor-bearers such as
small groups, prayer team, care-giving, greeting, ushering and serving in the
many different areas. If you see a hole, figure out how you can plug it up.
I believe it’s time for the balance of power to change in our spiritual warfare. Just
as Jonathan and his armor bearer were able to change the balance of power for
the nation of Israel, I believe we can do the same for the church as we link
together with those we are serving with. Especially now, as we are positioned at
the gates of the city, let us go forth in the position God has ordained for this
season of our lives.
Let us march in step with each other, no one pushing or shoving for position, but
rather united together to hear the voice of God as He gives voice to his great
army in this hour of our destiny!from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what.
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