After I first got saved my late/celebrated wife and I was reading the bible by the calender so many scriptures from the old testiment in the morning and so many from the new in the eveing and by the time you get done you will have read the entire bible in a years time. It was a awesome time in my life because it was like God had took my hand and was showing me his word. If I didn't understand something that was what was preached on the next service or God would tap me on the shoulder almsot say watch and see this is what I was talking about and I would see his word unfold before me.
Till one day we read a scripture where it said basically that when I get saved my whole family will be saved not only them but my servants not only them but the people that I meet will become saved the generations before me will be saved and those to follow.
I said how is this so Lord my dad is an athiest, how can this happen?
I went to a prayer meeting under the anointing of billy burke at the riverdale high school in Ft Myers Florida I stood in line and fianlly went up on the stage where Mr Burke asked me what I wanted prayer for and I told him that I was tired of wondering in the wilderness. Mr Burke laid hands on me and I dropped to the ground like a sack of potatos, he begain to speak over me and said the sins of the father will not come unto this heart problem that your dad has will not be passed from generation to generation. mean while me not understanding what had just happened to me struggling to get up Mr Burke came back up to me and grabed my head with both hands and I began to shake in his hands as he said in Jesus Name you are being called into the ministry you will be baptised by fire and I fell again as he continued to speak over me he said that Isiaih 61 is speaking dirrectly to you. as I struggled to get up the second time in the prossess of standing up I remember saying just keep him away from me and was able to stumble back to my seat where I opened the bible and when I read the scriptures I begain to rejoyce to the point that I couldn't hold back the great joy that I had so I left the building not to interupt everyone else and danced before my Lord in the parking lot as you read more of my testimonies you notice I do alot of dancing any way.
It was several days when I remembered the words my dad has a heart problem so I called him up from Ft Myers Florida to Nevada and said to him why haven't you ever told us, and he said told you what I said about your heart problem the line got real quite and in a couple of minutes he said I've never told anyone. my mom had gotten on the line too as I bold in the spirit told them that you will wake up at four in the morning by the Holy Spirit and I exsplained to my mom how to lay hands on daddy so that he would recieve his healing.
I called up the following day and my mom told me you know we woke up at the time very time you said that we would and I could feel something happening, but your dad said that he must have told your sister and she must have told me. I said noooooooo you don't understand this was a preacher here in florida my mom said your dads off the phone and she begain to give me more prayer request in other words she was saying I beleive and keep praying because God is hearing and answering your prayers but I was so distraught.
that night I had a dream in the dream I was laying on a sofa with my bible in hand my dad layed on the floor in front of me and the walls were lined with friends from my whole life. As my dad and I spoke the conversation finally got around to God and my dad says Oh bull s_ _ t and began to rise so I hit him with my bible for a moment I could see the eyes of a demon looking back at me. So I hit him again and seen it again, so I began way laying him with my bible and the demon manifested before me I it attacked me and I fought it off but than I noticed that every friend I had was a demon also and the I was quickly over come as my arms were pinned to my sides by the sheer numbers and they ripped into my stomach tearing me apart like a rag doll I could feel the very life draining out of me that was when I smiled and looked up and said well Jesus it looks like I'm coming to see you and at that very moment I could hear the words like thunder "SATAN OFF MY BODY" suddenly the dream was over and I woke thanking Jesus (when you receive a word from God the devil will come to try the word)
I called my mom up and told her about the terrible dream that I had my dad has always been the type of man just like any man we see something or hear something and try to fix it my dad has given me some great advise in the past like: no matter what kind of problems you haveing if you just keep going to work that they'll adventually work them selfs out, ot if it was drinking and drugs he'd slap me up side the head and tell me to get out of the stuff I was involved in....... he didn't understand the things I was going through and didn't know how to help
So he started sneaking around my mom's back and went to see her pastor which he invited to go fishing with him where my dad begun to tell him what was going on with me. the preacher lead by the Holy Ghost I'm sure told him that I was being demoniticly attacked and those attacks were coming through my dad. Oh dad asked what can I do to stop it and the preacher told him that he had to repent of his sins and receive the Lord as his personal savior. So my dad got on his hands and knees at his favoret fishing hole and asked Jesus into his heart. Aaaaaaaaaah Men
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