My wife had received a lie from the devil saying she had something wrong, went to a doctor who said that they wanted to do a Collen opsty and found cancer so they set her up with surgery and after words they told her that she didn't have cancer at all just benign pulps. But this was after they had already removed her Collen leaving only a quarter of a inch on each end to connect back together. this didn't work her stomach wouldn't start back up so they went back in but only to find that she now had murser a deadly staff infection
they sent her home to me with her stomach flayed like a fish open to the air they showed me how to do the wet packing because we didn't have insurance. So I did what they asked and was having to take her to all these appointment at least twice a week soon on pay day the week before Christmas I realised that the bills were going to fall drastically short things were going to start to get turned off. I didn't know what to do there just wasn't enough means to meet the end.

that morning as I got ready I watched tbn and there was this crazy black preacher all fired up saying to leave it at the foot of the cross your a child of God its not your fight its the Lords so as I drove to work while stopped at a light I got out of the car and shook my fist in the air and said my wife needs this home to heal Lord so what are you going to do about it, I than got back into the car went to work and praise the Lord all day singing on the construction site at the top of my lungs than at the end of the day my crew was cleaning up and the superintendent came up to me and said paper or plastic I looked at him not understanding and he told me go get your last check their laying off till after Christmas which they did every year I went down to the trailer refusing to give up my joy and they handed me two checks instead of just one!

That weekend I stood and witnessed how good God was because I was able to meet all my bills, everyone said they were so sorry that I lost my job. I said your not getting it don't be sorry be glad I had a need God met my need next month I don't have a check coming, greater the need greater the blessing.
I prayed to the Lord and placed my needs at the foot of the cross and the Lord said stand still and see my hand bless you. I than went out and ran a add in the paper about doing marine construction I had all the tools from another time God had blessed me, I got several calls and ran to each but the jobs were just not coming in but now I had another family living in our car port that I had closed in and was taking in homeless men or we could take in one small family this family had two beautiful girls, the only job that I had was a small fix it one that I had from before and I lost money at it terribly paying the father of those children whom I now felt responsible for my gas tank was empty and I was coming to a miserable halt.

I went back out to my alter in the back yard and cried out to the Lord and he said to me didn't I tell you to stand still and see my hand bless you. I stood there with my mouth open because he hadn't told me to go out and look for work he didn't tell me to run a add these were things that seemed right to a man. At this point I couldn't do anything except stand still and I slipped my arms into the air to only hear the phone ringing
so I ran into the house and it was a referral from the job that I lost money on, I went out it sounded like another small job and I wasn't expecting much the man took me to the back of his home and showed me this huge water front piece of land where he wanted to put in the dock I looked at him standing on one of the spots that jutted out along the river that hadn't been washed away yet and spoke to him sir you don't need a dock you need a retention wall the water is washing your realist ate away I pointed down the bank showing him where his land should be and he agreed with me I bid in a tractor a utility truck labor etc still had over 11.000.00 dollars in profit he took the job with out even arguing about the price, I hired people from the church to do the work and even hired the children to throw the sod at the end.
I was able to spend every waking moment with my wife for a whole year at her side till she passed away
Memorial Day Feb 3 2003 I thank God for her that I was able to sing each night to my Lord and saviour till I was a tongue speaking blubbering mess and was able to fall sleep
That memorial day our street ministry was scheduled to be in three parks to praise. but the hospital had called me and said that she had pasted did I want to come see her before they took her down stairs, I said of course I came into the hospital the room was dimly lite they had already took all the tubes from her body and I entered and laided across her the nurses asked if I wanted a chair and I said no I was right where I needed to be now and they shut the door behind me....... I sat there crying like I am now and just loved on her as the sun begin to arise I could feel something coming up my arms as she entered me. we got home and she spoke as clear as day to me what is that referring toward a van I had purchased to make into a wheel chair van I explained it and went inside she than spoke again saying this place is a mess and I began to clean but I didn't do it like I would have instead like here gluing this fixing that until the house was finished I than went out side but the urgency left me because this was always my area to clean anyway afterwards I sat down out at the alter that I had made in the back of the yard and felt a heaviness lift from me I looked up and there was my wife standing there dressed in robes with a long purple ribbon draped over her arms that were crossed before her she was looking up into the sky with tears running down my cheeks I watched her head covered by a vale going back over her long beautiful hair. and I watched as she ascended into heaven the following day where we had the service she appeared again in all her glory she had made it