I wanted to buy a truck that I could use in my business and also for ministries. He gave me two roads names that I knew crossed each other. So the next day I went to the intersection there was a truck that was for sale...... it was a beat up orange dually flat bed, I looked at this rust bucket and said there is a mistake I don't need this thing and left.
That night I sat before the fire and God said get up and go to the river, he didn't tell me to go get my shoes on or go prepare to go for a walk he said get thee up and go to the river. So I left walking down a road that would be covered in broken glass and trash leading to a vacant lot also with broken glass and debris even worse briers with inch long thorns. But Jesus didn't tell me to make ready he said go. As I crossed the road leaving the safety of my owe home I was amazed by what God had done the trees had bloomed during the night and flowers had fallen from them covering the road with soft peddles for me to walk on.

I reached the lot and something was wrong I stood still on the side walk to a major road I looked into the night sky and thought if God can lead some one by a star surely he can do it again, I said Lord give me a light in which to follow and at that moment the rushing wind from a semi came I turned it was carrying the parts to a fair it was all lite up with thousands of lights, I turned and began to walk in the direction the semi's had gone. shortly there after I came on bishops battles church I knew there was a parking lot that went all the way to the river so I turned and headed away from all the lights till I came to the sea wall and standing there I cried out to Jesus I am here Lord open my ears and eyes so I will see. About than I noticed the sound of water hitting a metal hull in the water, I didn't see a boat so I started following the sea wall till I came to a tree growing over the sea wall there I could make out from the moon lite a house boat the house had all ready been removed and all was left was a 35' aluminum decking on three pontoons.
I walked home that morning God had showed me the truck with marine construction wrote on its side and now a barge which would be something that you would need, I walked into the door and my wife greeted me I told her that I thought that God wanted me to start a marine construction business and went to bed.

The next morning my wife went to work and speaking to her girl friend she said I think Roberts lost his marbles he thinks that God wants him to start a marine construction business. Her girl friend asked well does he have experience? My wife replied yes he worked marine construction for 5 years her Girl friend said your kidding were trying to get our dock redone were taking bids now.
The very next day I had a 5500.00 dollar job I went to their home and yes they did need a dock but they had to cross old planks just to get to their dock where the land had fell in to the water I ended up not only replacing their dock but putting in a 80 foot retention wall
I took the wood home from their old dock and turned each over and built a stage in our back yard with a great cross behind it and the area was lite by the fire place where God had spoken to me, we'd have back yard revivals people would hear the singing and wonder in off the streets and receive Jesus as their savior

Take a piece of something God has done for you and build a alter and you will be blessed beyond your wildest dreams more to follow later
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