Thursday, March 22, 2012

What are you pouring into your spirit? I double dog dare you to live by faith this day

There was this lady that hadn’t gotten out of her wheel chair for over 20 years, she came to see a faith healer named Leroy Jenkins he passed her by this was the last time that she could get her friends to bring her she sat crying all was loss a angel taped her on the shoulder (my late wife who is in heaven now) and said I will bring you, with tears in her eyes she told the angel that was all right the woman didn’t want to be a burden on anyone. The angel spoke again and said I will bring you the man that is catching the people falling in the spirit he will do this thing. So the angel gave the woman my phone number to call if she changed her mind. I knew nothing of it till I arrived home and was given a number to call by my mother in-law who had received a call from a woman from the revival that she did need a ride so I dialed the number and a man answered the phone we had the wrong number!  I had no way of getting the directions. The angel cried and sobbed as she explained to me that she had given her word to this poor soul to bring her the following day a Saturday when they were having two services. I looked into those teary eyes and knew I was leaving in the morning, not knowing where I was going just going to bring the promise. We knew that she lived up around Tampa bay a two hour drive from our home, once up there we’d call back home and surly she will have called back and leave directions.
The next morning I woke and busied my self getting ready but the angel didn’t rise I was about to roll her out of the bed on to the floor after all this was her idea!  "but I got to tell you this" I seen a vision of me looking into the rear view mirror and seeing this hideous creature sitting in the back seat its eyes glazed over blind, its skin cracked like the curled ground when a pond dries to fast puss oozing from the cracks, there was open festering wounds all over its body clad in black leather……. "I thought to my self Ooh my Lord" I will not be taking her on this trip, as I walked down the dock heading toward the other dock where we kept our 21’ run about center console. I spoke prayerfully and said what it going on Lord? He spoke to me said that I had turned from the Lord 7 times and the devil had seven time to try and turn me back ! But that this would be fair that a angel would be setting by my side…….. I said yes send me than Lord, I got into the boat and sped to the landing lot on the main land, through a manatee no wake zone. (broke the laws of the land) I drove up to Tampa in the fog passed a man broken down on the side of the road. (didn’t help my fellow brother) once I got up to Tampa I called home my angel answered the phone and told me that the woman hadn't called yet she asked me what I was going to do. I said I don’t know but I’ll call you when I find out and hung up. (side note God hand picks us for the journey and will equips us in what he calls us to do) I had been a phone sales man for several years and knew the relevance of the area code and prefix that if this woman's number was close to what I had been given all I had to do was find that prefix and God would surly lead me from there, I found the prefix at the airport went into the store to ask for directions.   She said just go two exits up and make a right and follow it You can't miss it. So I got into my car and begun to drive onto the freeway again and thought to my self what if she isn’t on that particular road I could drive down it and turn around which to me would be the same as unbelief and than turn again I could burn up those seven times real quick and than I was reminded that I had all ready broken the law of the land and hadn’t helped my brother whew things was looking pretty grim. I said lord (yes little l) is she on this first exit I am coming to and I didn’t hear an answer. Come up on the second exit lord is she on this exit and I felt a yes so I turned off. I now had a idea of how this was going to work and drove as I came up on each road I would ask if I was to turn right or left….. The line of headlights was getting longer and longer as I stumbled through this, till the point I said lord I need a sign and when I looked up again I seen a sign on the side of the road that said the GOD IS COMING (my mouth agape) you asked for a sign wellaaaahh!!   I turned down the little dirt road that went back into the darkness of the trees toward I assumed this little farm house sitting back 1000’ from the hi-way there were some lights on so I knocked on the front door at 3 am in the morning. A woman and her young daughter answered the door, I asked if Wanda Fox was here? The lady of the house politely said nooooo , so I asked is she going to be right back? The woman again answered no there is no Wanda Fox that lives here.   I told her about why I came and even showed the woman the phone number, she looked at it opened a phone book and started running her finger down the list of numbers looking for the one that matched.  I would have probably quit talking but the little girl stood that and listened, when I finished the woman of the house said look I found a address for your number and she wrote it on the piece of paper for me, than said back where I got off the freeway I could buy a map to show me how to get to where I was going, so I thanked them and left.   Got the map checked it I was going the right way all along.
As I was driving up on the home I was at earlier I spoke to God I said Lord when I go by there on my way home I am going to stop and get them to come to the tent revival, about that time I noticed the streets I was passing I was going all of the sudden in the wrong direction confused I begun to turn around and the Lord said your going back by that house and drove in off the highway again knocked on the door again and the lady of the house and the daughter came again to the door, I said ma’am I am kind of new at this but is there someone here that is ill? She said yes my son! (you should have seen me swell twice my size in my own eyes) she yes he has a cold and is staying home today……. I thought to my self lord what are you doing you sent me to heal a cold? I looked into the little girls eyes, they were as big as round as they could be…… the words began to flow out of me I had no control of what I was saying or to stop even if I wanted to, I heard the words come from my mouth saying to the little girl " you had a dream last night and you asked God for a sign this is your sign standing before you, you have been called into the ministry to be a preachess" her mom and her hugged weeping haveing just told her mom about the dream…… all of a sudden it was just me standing there and I thanked them and shut the door behind me. When I pulled back onto the freeway the sun was beginning to rise I could see the road sign down the way which I was heading before I had turned around and it was now the correct way to go.  So I continued on I drove to the address which I had been given and parked across the street as I walked toward the house I seen steps going to the front door, I could feel my faith draining out of me like water onto the ground, I just knew this couldn't be the home of a woman in a wheel chair…….. But a little voice down deep inside said you have to finish this and I walked up those steps like my feet were made of bricks until I was about to knock and I seen a sign in the pane that said front door blocked please use side entrance I looked down the side of the house and seen a wheel chair ramp going to the back door! Once in front of it I raised my hand to knock and the door opened and there sat Wanda Fox in her wheel chair she said "how did you get here so fast" I looked at her in disbelief what do you mean so fast she said " I just got off the phone with you wife giving her the directions"
I said I haven’t talked to my wife, she said " how did you find me" I said God sent me!We went back into town and I rode out and got my family than returned to where Wanda waited for us we went to the revival down in Naples Florida the first meeting the Rev Jenkins didn’t come to her, that night we returned after spending the day with friends the Rev Leroy Jenkins came to her with my angel helping her to stand holding up her offering in hand the Rev Jenkins took the offering and told the lady that she has taken her first step, and walked away.  I lingered trying to get him to come back but he continued on so I followed I didn’t know what to do I couldn’t drive to Tampa every night I couldn’t take her back home with me I lived on a island on a house boat so I sat down with her after the service and witnessed to her and told her about all the healing I had seen and what was the point of contact for each that increased their faith into the super natural.  After two hours she needed to be taken to the bathroom, I took her to the exit of the tent and said this is as far as I can take you. She put her head down and started to try and roll her wheel chair through the loose gravel, I walked in front of her and said that’s not how this is going to happen. Taking her by the hands pulling her up telling her that she needed to start taking baby steps, she needed to start somewhere. She started to move her feet in place and than I released her and said now walk to the bathroom and SHE DID I was having a hallelujah party, when I thought to my self that she'll need that wheel chair when she comes out. (silly me)
As I wheeled the chair toward the port-a-john I heard the wheels squeaking, this must sound like the devil coming after her how many times has she heard that noise not even be able to do anything about.   I begun to pray out loud LORD I PRAY that every time that she hears this sound that she will walk past this chair and kick it in her passing, she came out and sat down I rolled her around to the
front and placed her in the car.   Once in the car I felt the spirit of unbeleif and said Wanda you know that your healed don't you and she said yes!  before getting on the freeway I asked everyone if the need anything to drink it was a two hour drive and said to wanda ma'am God wants to make a covenent with you if you will try and walk that the Lord will strenthen your legs and make it easy because he wants you to succed I walked in to the store met by my angel who poked me in the chest saying who do you think you are telling that woman that she is healed?   Your going to burn in hell for that!   but she hadn't seen her walk I did but just to be on the safe side I said Lord did I heal her and let me tell you I didn't hear a thing I was about to fall on my face and repent when I changed the working and said Lord did you heal her and I felt a YES I talked about God the whole way.   Took her home where she got out of the car and danced running in place her knees hitting her chest yelling with joy I can stop shadowed by the moon…… we prayed over-an-hour before we left.

I know your not like this but there are days I feel the faith draining out of me like water running on the ground sometimes just making through the day is accomplishment BUT count it as a blessing for it is a victory in its self, sometimes that is all that we have that small victory that one step that leads to another.
I double dog dare yea to start out your morning saying today I will live by faith and at the end of that day kneel down before the LORD YOUR GOD  and claim this victory THAT THIS DAY I live faith. than you will see the Lords hand meet you and your faith will know no bounds I am preaching to my self as well!!!

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